Top 5 Investments to Make in Your Pool for 2016 (VIDEO and PDF)

PentairWater_LOGOInnovation has long been the key to the success of new pool equipment. These new products are more energy-efficient and in turn save pool owners money on their utility bills. Additionally, many pool products have become easier and more convenient to use. With so much innovation taking place there are an ever increasing number of options for pool owners to enhance their backyard pool experience while saving money on the side. Take a look at the top investments for 2016.

Variable Speed Pump

Variable speed pumps were an evolutionary jump when they were first introduced. With multiple settings and the ability to program for an individual environment, variable speed pumps run no more or less than needed for each task, such as pool heating, water features, spa jets and more. The amount of money variable speed pump owners save will often pay back the investment in only a few years.  Here’s a link to for the Pentair IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pump (part# 011018) from

LED Lighting
Lighting is another area of development for swimming pool products. LED technology consumes less electricity than older technologies such as incandescent or halogen. LED lights also last longer and are less expensive to operate; saving owners money while enhancing the look of their poolscape.

pH Controller
Simplifying pool maintenance is at the heart of many recent pool equipment developments. For example, new pH controllers can add adjustable amounts of acid to a pool with the push of a button or be programmed to help keep pH levels in the proper range. By helping to prevent fluctuations in pH levels, a pH controller makes sanitizing more effective and protects pool equipment from corrosion. Therefore, it reduces wear and tear on all pool equipment, lowering the need for replacements down the road.


Automation Systems (video)
Providing total control of pool and spa functions from home or on the go is another recurring theme in new product development. New automation systems are making pool and spa control easier than ever. Pool equipment like heaters, pumps, lights and more are able to connect with an automation system and provide you with a central control for all their functions.

Automatic Cleaners (pdf)
Pool cleaning equipment has taken a number of strides forward in recent years. After hearing from pool owners, many manufacturers have placed an emphasis on reliability, performance, simplicity and convenience. While new automatic cleaners are much better suited to clean than previous generations, they are also becoming more energy-efficient, saving owners from additional utility charges. Regardless of your needs there is an automatic pool cleaner for you and your budget.

The innovation that has gone into these, and other products, is a testament to the pool industry’s forward thinking and focus on creating convenience for pool owners.  RedSquare welcomes your feedback and testimonials on these or ANY products from ALL MANUFACTURES.

What pool investments do you suggest for our readers in 2013 and beyond?

SGS Chlorinator Systems

Commercial grade design and easy to maintain.

BREEZE_540_35756__17527__37362__15069.1411600826.1280.1280Looking for salt chlorination options other than Pentair and Hayward?  Check out SGS .  RedSquare has installed hundreds of these units since 2009 and hands down it has been the most dependable and reliable salt chlorination so far.  If you are looking for a system that is easy to install and independent of your existing pool equipment configuration, then consider SGS Chlorination.

More Info:



Pool Professionals:

If you need my personal product marketing contact reach out to Todd Schwab.  Tell ’em Vaughn Berger/RedSquare Pools sent you.

best-of-the-bestTodd Schwab   Arizona, Colorado, Nevada
Mobile Phone: 480-335-7313   Email:

Looking for representation elsewhere?  Click here.

How to convert your pool to Salt Water


There are many options when choosing a salt chlorination system.

For those looking forBREEZE_540_35756__17527__37362__15069.1411600826.1280.1280 an alternative to Pentair and Hayward, check out another real contender made by SGS Chlorinator. We’ve installed hundreds of these chlorinators in Las Vegas and they continue to outperform most of the name-brand contenders out there. They were originally designed for commercial swimming pools and the industry secret is the residential specs are the exact same. I discovered this brand back in 2009 and have been impressed year after year on the reliability of this system.

SGS Manufacture Website

Red Square Pools (702) 530-7331

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I was asked this question this weekend and wanted to get any answer out to everyone. Yes, it is possible to convert your pool to salt water. The big attraction to converting to salt is the water is softer and tends not to dry out your skin since. The additional benefit is you no longer have to add chlorine to your pool as the chlorinator converts the salt to chlorine.

First, you will need to drain your pool and fill with fresh water. In Las Vegas this will cost you approximately $75-$100 for an average pool of 15,000 gallons.

Second, you will need to purchase a saltwater chlorine generator (Pentair IntelliChlor System – approx. price is $1,200.00)and have it wired to the 220V that your pump is currently connected. When the pump turns on, so will your chlorinator.

Third, adding the salt. I recommend you buy pool salt from a…

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Industry Secret: How to Calibrate Your Pentair IntelliChlor

Red Square Pools (702) 530-7331


Pentair has made some significant design changes to the IntelliChlor Salt Cell.  In my opinion they’ve simplified the front control panel although the verdict is out as to technical changes that have been released.

I’ve been seeking a HOW TO calibrate the IntelliChlor and my sources at Pentair provided this Field Calibration Guide.  Of course, I thought it would be helpful to pass along to our readers.

Apparently this calibration is only applicable to older models as the newer models “do not require calibration”.  This last statement will require further confirmation.  The following calibration

guide is intended for older units that fall below Version 1.9.  To determine the version of your IntelliChlor Salt Cell flip the cell over and look for the label stamped with a bar code.  Look to the bottom left corner of that sticker to identify the version number (see picture).  Chances are…

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How much salt should I add to my Salt Water Pool?

Great information from Rob Cox and the pros at!

Red Square Pools (702) 530-7331

Screen Shot 2013-03-09 at 9.38.18 AMI want to credit the team as one of the contributing resources for this blog post.  Read more at “Chlorine Generators” by +Rob Cox.

There are two reasons why you would need to add more salt to your pool. If you have drained the pool completely/partially OR your chlorinator control box indicates your levels are low.

The salt level required to maintain a safe, chlorinated pool is about 2500 to 4000 PPM (parts per million). The human body cannot taste salt until the PPM is around 5000. The amount of salt in the pool is not noticeable. Once the salt is added to the pool, there is no need to add salt on a yearly basis unless the pool is drained or a significant amount of water is removed. In order to determine the amount of salt to add to a pool you must know…

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